In the early hours of Monday the 27th of October, Melbourne was awoken to a massive thunderstorm. The Bureau of Meteorology give detailed reasons as to why this occurred! But the high amount of rainfall and gutter overflow is a reminder that many roof gutters are completely blocked. Regular gutter cleaning is an important part of roof maintenance. If your gutters are blocked during thunderstorms, your home can be damaged from water backflow.
We are an established company of many years and we are able to come out to service your roof gutters often on the same day that you call. We clear blocked down pipes, valleys and areas of roof plumbing where any leaves have accumulated. We also prune the overhanging tree branches. With our detailed guttering service you will be better prepared during the next thunderstorm and downpour of rain!
Many Melbournians will remember a shocking hailstorm that occurred on the 6th of March 2010. This 2010 hailstorm caused some of the worst gutter blockages we have ever seen.
Call our office on 1300 472 976