While cleaning the gutters we regularly find pest bird entry points. These pest birds bring large quantities of rubbish into the roof space as they build their nests, some of this debris will land in the gutter. The Indian Myna is known to be the worst pest bird for residential roofing; they will often make around 4 different nests and only lay eggs in one. When the Myna chicks are born it can be an annoying time for homeowners, the young birds will begin chirping very early every morning. The build up of nesting debris in your roof is also a fire hazard.

Some of our services are:
- Removing the nesting debris from the roof
- Installing gutter guards to block entry points
- Blocking the entry points of pest birds, reducing the need for ongoing gutter cleaning
- Cleaning of bird fouling from walls and ledges

Call Grayson’s today for more information: 1300 472 976