Cutting back overhanging trees is a very important part of any gutter cleaning service. If left unattended the trees around a house can cause damage to roofing as they start to rub against the gutter and fascia boards. These overgrown trees can even start to break tiles and dislodge tiles. Pruning back trees will greatly reduce the need for gutter cleaning in future. It is very common for us to find more than 5-10 trees on a single house, which have overgrown so much, that they are covering parts of the roof.
The 3 photos you will see here show a before, during and after sequence of our staff clearing overhanging branches in preparation for gutter cleaning. Once the tree is pruned back only some dry leaves are left on the roof. The final photo shows the roof once all the leaves have been swept away.

These days tree pruning services are in high demand. Homeowners are now preferring to use professional tree trimming services to ensure there’s moderate foliage around the terrace. And yes, also to make sure there’s no obstruction to the TV satellite antenna that is installed on the roof. The best part of hiring these pros is getting the work done both quickly and cleanly. Reliable tree pruning services are known to offer a complete tree trimming package at reasonable prices. Once these guys are hired, they would actually do more than what they are being paid for. They would even clean the leaf debris on your roof.